Richard E. Smith
Elected: April 9, 1994
Inducted: June 24, 1994
Family: Born January 21, 1935 in Cleveland, Ohio. Married June 11, 1955 to the former Patricia Sullivan and together they have raised two daughters, both of whom have been involved with the family towing business.
History: Like so many others, Rich came into towing through the service station business which he entered in 1961 when he operated a single tow truck. Although he still operates that same Sunoco station, his towing and recovery fleet has grown to 38 units including heavy duty, carriers, tractor trailers and air cushions. Rich was President of the Ohio Towing Association for 5 years, where he also served on the Board of Directors. OTA honored him with its Tower of the Year award for outstanding service to his community. Later, he was instrumental in the merger of the Ohio Towing Association and the Professional Tower of Ohio into the present Towing & Recovery Association of Ohio, which he has served as Director for the period of 1991-1993. Over the years, Richard has worked tirelessly through the several Ohio associations to improve the industry and then, worked to consolidate those associations into one for a more effective voice for the tower. Richard is indeed a Friend of Towing and deserves his place in The Towing & Recovery Hall of Fame.
DECEASED – February 22, 2006
Tow Equipment/Product Innovation
Innovation of a product sold in the marketplace that has helped move the industry forward. Candidate must have a minimum of 10 years of service to the industry.
Exemplary Dedication
Candidate must have 20 years running a towing business in an outstanding and exemplary manner, promoting a positive image of the towing industry and have positive relations with the community, i.e., performing services for the community about and beyond the services for hire. Limit: One inductee per year.
Industry Leadership
Leadership involved with an outstanding project that has had a dynamic and lasting effect on the towing industry. Candidate must have minimum 10 years service to the towing industry.
Professional Achievement
Creating a product or service of any kind that has had a significant and lasting effect on thousands of towing professionals. Candidate Must have a minimum of 10 years to the industry.