Charles “Chuck” Swider
Elected: April 9, 1994
Inducted: June 24, 1994
Family: Born December 5, 1949 and married October 1982 to the former Janice C. Roffo. Together they have two daughters and their family resides in Chicopee, Massachusetts.
History: In 1978, Chuck and his wife opened a small one man auto repair shop. Six months later they purchased a tow truck and their operation has grown today to a fleet of 6 tow trucks. Recognizing a need for affiliation, Chuck joined the Statewide Towing Association of Massachusetts in 1979 and became a Director in his 2nd year of membership. In 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1991, Chuck served as Co-chairman of the STA annual trade show in Chicopee. While serving as Western Director of STA, he led a committee to the Massachusetts Statehouse to pass an abandoned vehicle bill that has assisted towers throughout the state. Chuck has served as President of the Statewide Towing Association of Massachusetts and as National Director of the Towing and Recovery Association of America where he also served as a member of the President’s Cabinet. Chuck currently serves as a Trustee of Friends of Towing. Chuck is credited with developing the STA membership in Western Massachusetts. Also, he placed more emphasis on family oriented activities at the annual STA show, thus improving attendance dramatically. In 1991, Chuck was instrumental in arranging the re-organizational meeting of the corporate structure of The International Towing & Recovery Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. (Friends of Towing) in conjunction with the STA meeting in Chicopee. On both state and national levels, Chuck has won well deserved recognition for his introduction and support of the “No-No” drug awareness program for school age children. This program carries the slogan “We that Tow Help Kids Say No”. From the Honorable William Weld, Governor of Massachusetts to the State Police Chief’s Association to leaders and members of the towing and recovery industry through the state, the country and beyond, Chuck has won respect and recognition and deserves a permanent place in the Towing and Recovery Hall of Fame.
Tow Equipment/Product Innovation
Innovation of a product sold in the marketplace that has helped move the industry forward. Candidate must have a minimum of 10 years of service to the industry.
Exemplary Dedication
Candidate must have 20 years running a towing business in an outstanding and exemplary manner, promoting a positive image of the towing industry and have positive relations with the community, i.e., performing services for the community about and beyond the services for hire. Limit: One inductee per year.
Industry Leadership
Leadership involved with an outstanding project that has had a dynamic and lasting effect on the towing industry. Candidate must have minimum 10 years service to the towing industry.
Professional Achievement
Creating a product or service of any kind that has had a significant and lasting effect on thousands of towing professionals. Candidate Must have a minimum of 10 years to the industry.